Friday, March 4, 2011

Topps Diamond Giveaway:Lucky or MASS Produced?

I entered one code
(holding the others cuz they sell well right now)
and got the card below. A new PC card of 50s Sox. sick.

Then I "dug it" and apparently won this:
A 2010 Topps Diamond Anniversary set
(which I can order in august)
I do not know anyone who has redeemed any codes, Bearday and I are on the same page; essentially MCG with more frills.

I got a frill.

Tell me what you know of this Diamond digging aspect of the "new look" giveaway


  1. I had 8 or 9 codes, and got nothing but crap cards from the 80s and 90s. I didn't get any of the so-called prizes either.

  2. Great work! I've put in 13 codes and only got one card from the 60's and no prize to speak of either. You scored big time brother!
