Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cannibals!: Jameson Taillon Topps Pro Debut

Topps is so meta.

This is what Ihave to do. complain about retail wax. who the hell thought that I would be doing that someday? It all started with three straight bowman platinum blasters with autos in them, and it got out of control. I troll the aisle. I notice when things have been moved, I buy the 40% blasters when I want. When it comes to brand-new products...something is up.

I went to two wal-marts, I went to two targets, and what do I find?...one beaten up GQ value pack. "hidden" behind the 50% off basketball blasters.
Now I know someone is siphoning off the product. I literally never saw it hit the shelves, and now it has apparently gone, without my even knowing...and bring on the Bowman Blitz. That has likely come and gone as well.
I have got to stop reading box break forums.

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