Somehow this product just isn't grabbing my Ginerest this year. I would rather choose a few mini sets to go after, and finish 09 somehow.
want: (will trade handsomely for help with these sets and the 2010 heritage chrome set)
Monsters of the Mesozoic
need all but 8, 13, 17
National Animals
need all but iceland and nepal
World's Greatest Wordsmiths
all but #3
Have For You:
mini 64, 100, 214, 223, 293, 334, 339, 308 (all ginter back cept 339, 308)
World's Biggest:
2, 4, 5
Lords Of Olympus:
Gaea 10
4, balboa
plus base I will not be keeping, and will try to add a list of that here tonight...
2 hours ago
I don't know any of the numbers but I need all the Red Sox regular and base you can spare.