Saturday, February 6, 2010

Please Speak Up: UD Predictor Editions

So, there's these. I got the Boston Red Sox (who I semi adore) as my "Postseason Predictors" redemption card. It took only a month or two and the two sets arrived. yes, Two. You see...

In this particular contest I won the "Playoff Predictors" green set and the "World Series Predictors" purple set. I opened the green set to check it out, and I want to know some opinions on it.
Should I break them (or one) into team sets and sell/trade it?
Should I try to sell as is (not so good on ebay...)
Do you know anyone who won predictor sets? what have they done with them?
Obviously a cool edition to your 2007 pages of any player collector, but what else?
Why did Upper Deck do this to me? (I bought a bunch of 2007 Ser. 1+2 hobby boxes lookin for rare hits, and I got these sets. serves me right. although the photography is on par with 2006 and 2008 sets.)

EDIT: Looks like the green will fall to team sets and the purple will go to player collectors/future contest.

Wickedortega has something in the works that may earn him the Marlins

AnthonyK commented, and has dibs on the Astros.

anyone else?


  1. I would break it down by team/player.

    But, I also so that selfishly as I would love to land the astros and the Javier Vazquez..if there is one.

  2. Any Marlins?? And what would it take to get that Roberts card?? And i posted your take homie i should have a package out to you by this weekend!!

  3. I am sure we can work something out...I mean also, with two seperate sets, I can do both singles AND teamsets. That is what it's looking like...
    ...whas a "posted your take"?

  4. Posted what you sent,kid.... i see Redsox And Brew Krew huh.... oh i got somethings you might like....O's i'm tapped out at the moment but there more coming soon...

  5. you go extra-hard and you get the Marlins Green 07UD team set...
    I'd rather get one card that fits my list than a million brewers/sox cards. just for the record.
