...as for the card design...when have the "SOF" auto cards from bowman not looked super awkward? (especially when they switched to stickers)
Penmanship is a virtue.
Look again! HOLDING?! AYFKM?!
we got HOSED! Goddammit.
Sick. I am going to renew my dedication to checking auctions that end at 4am or have misspelled names.
where it's at.....got two burned fables and a bike with chrome.
EDIT:upon further review, this card had FREE shipping as is edited above.
I have one more auto coming in the mail that was .99 with free shipping, but it has none of the starpower this one has, if I can even say that.
I am pumped that the lame blue parallel that I got was of a Brewer, and that I got all the big guys, except for Harper (but Cardboard Problem has more on that). I got a great looking Blue refractor, Dustin Ackley chrome, and a peculiarly poular ($20+) Jose Iglesias auto.
The auto pull is tight. It's nice to be happy with a pull from any of several teams, a nice thing about moving every 3.4 years.
I will not have to buy any more of this product, and will hope to trade for the base I want. Then I got the "sorta flashback to fleerUltra" inserts of two of the biggest stories in baseball including the kid who will be pitching for the geographically closest baseball team to my heart. (to say nothing of my growing enthusiasm for the team) Oh, and a cubs guy. do not want.
CardWeblogger Fact # 342: Non-refractor chrome cards scan like crap. Refractor chrome cards look gorgeous.
Best improvement: silver signature overlay (so sick, but I bet I'll get sick of it) worst "improvement": continuing the "base rookie auto"...that is some bullshit. I just want a real Heyward RC in chrome dammit. (and still making those "gold" cards in every pack...that is just plain stupid)
Now, I have to admit, the Cincinnati Reds leave a bad taste in my mouth. Joe Morgan and Johnny Bench are a few of the extremely rare exceptions. When it comes ot the National League, I am a Brewers fan exclusively. I hate the Cubs (hate is a strong word), and the reds just kind of make me sickish. I try not to think about the Pirates except for ADMcClutchen.
This makes it all the more ironic that my favorite auto and GU (both pictured below) that I have pulled since 05, are both in reds unis...so be it. I love them. I pulled them, and they are in the "mine" boxes, likely never to be traded. That being said, I have a few more of my favorite KGJr. cards pictured here.