Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Ones that speak to me: Tommy Hanson
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
BIG TIME: Marty Marion

That being said, on to the auto. Martin Whiteford Marion is one of the original BIG TIME sigs. He can barely keep it on the sticker...but manages to hold on in this example. Major emphasis on the tall Ms and the big t-cross line. If these signs weren't enough to intimate a slight inferiority complex (I hear that's normal in baseball) the guy dots his "i" with a f*****g circle! I mean, who does that? He might as well have drawn tiny little seams on the damn thing and try for a Mark Sanchez-type "logo" attempt.
Sanchez-Way to brand yourself bro, we're all hella impressed. Especially us Packers fans from back east who get to watch our team in the playoffs. (that is an attempt at a football right?) We'll get back to that, because I hate the jets and the USC quarterbacks.
*You would be surprised how long it took me to realize that I was a SS lover in a 1B world....
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Remember This?

Controlled Chaos: Elvis Andrus; Introduction with Wright and Ron

Other People's Views (give this person a hand, everybody)
This is the kind of insightful and entertaining blogging that got me into this game. The best are still the best.
Ones That Speak to Me: Star Wars edition

I have had thoughts of creating a second blog dedicated to only Star Wars ephemera, periphera if you will. What caught my eye was the rise of the use of the Star Wars theme in the already-burst bubble of "streetwear/skatewear" and the present brand wars being fought to catch not the average sneaker wearing citizen's eye...but the collectors. Ecco, Nike SB, Supra, The Hundreds, 10 Deep etc. have all dipped into the Star Wars marketing universe to get people to stand in line in the cold to get their hands on this "gear". Most know that this itself is a mere sliver of the larger entity. The autograph that I display here is only one of the many items that fit into the "living market" for Star Wars themed goods that lives like a mile-wide fungus just beneath the common soil.
Do you want to know more? (a la Starship Troopers)
well, It makes no sense to continue here. I will lay a link when the page is ready.
This card was a dream-come-true to me when I found it in a binder of non-sports autos at a card shop i used to frequent. Not only did I know who Biggs Darklighter was (Luke's good buddy back on Tatooine), but I could have the first non-sports or music autograph in my collection. It had to be this one. It is exquisitely pleasing to me, despite the sticker. The guy with more beard than teeth got my money again at the "local card shop" I say local because it was relatively convenient if I wanted fresh wax when I had the money to buy it. I would pay about 10-15 bucks more on a hobby box than I would have on eBay, and about that much more than my two favorite online retailers, Dave and Adam's Card World (http://www.dacardworld.com/) and Blowout cards (http://www.blowoutcards.com/). I am a creature of habit and was also once burdened by the monkey of instant gratification. I got a couple of Donruss "hot boxes" and three red refractor RC AUTOs among other conquests, but spent alot of money there. Wish I had some of it back, but the story of cards I have won and lost and why I do not have money for hobby wax anymore are both stories for posts with a few less words.
That being said, If you teach in a public school, may the force be with you.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
BIG TIME: Emmitt Smith

Ones That Speak to Me: Victor Martinez

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Craftsmen:Brian Bixler, The Brian Bannister of 2009

Really!: Vernand Morency

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Evolution = change/time
From now until I make another shift due to pressures unknown, I will be organizing photos and scans in my "blogger" file in "recurring themes". some of the themes I have "brainworked" to date:
The Joy of Symmetry/Repetition
Controlled Chaos
What moves the pen...the mind or the hand?
Percieved anachronisms
Then and Now
Classic, and with a market this big, how could I not?
Taking Pride in your signature is a sign of confidence (or arrogance).
Gotta be makin' a statement there pal.
That's how you're going to be immortalized?
Ones that speak to me.
I can have reasons or not have reasons all day long...
By My Hand
Autographs that I attained myself one way or another.
I think that this will at least give this blog some kind of structure. I jumped in with nothing but passion and basic computer skills. I think evident from all December posts. Also I love the feel of a subset. The categories mentioned above remind me of subsets that I might actually like to see exist.
others for consideration pending storage folder initiation:
Cut and Run
Just a bit outside...
Fake as s***.
suggestions and submissions are, as always, welcome.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I bought this one off of eBay several years ago...I had to have it. Gary's signature has an incredible right-focus that leaves that stylish tail and arc on the LEFT hand side. Everything about this auto says unique. It is on-card, a refractor, and an oddly sublime chrome design. If anyone has any of these sigs, let me know I would love to build this set. y'know, for gazing...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Again we see a Shut-Down pitcher with a very open, spacially consistent, readable signature. Eck had me goin' as a little guy pulling for him, Dave Stewart, and the rest of that 'pen to end the Dodgers hopes for good. This, of course, is not what happened. We have tons fo pics to prove it.
This card is a stunner. (I can still see the sticker) Layout and Patch-card construction quality are on show here.

I am only several cards away from having every major issue and parallel for 05,06,and 07. If you have anything SP or rare, hit me up. It is the only set I am always on the look out for. (well that and pre-1970 topps on a budget)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Ones That Speak To Me: Cal Ripken Jr. (two dots)

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Casual Fingers #2

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Top "Nickname to AUTO Ratio" -Frank Thomas

Ratio Nickname/Autograph: 92/84

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hockey Players Are a Different Breed.

This is one of those signatures that out class the card for simplicity and form. I want to meet this guy just to assess the cut of his jib.
Bilbo's cousin, Tea Baggins

Francis Decker is a freelancer for Richmond.com. He also teaches English at a local Richmond high school.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Before they go to eBay...

Wish I didn't have to give this one up. I am a huge sucker for Bowman Sterling and got this for a song. ("...unfortunately that song was "White Christmas" and I lost millions".)

Casual Fingers

( I don't have NEAR enough Rollies in Brewers unis.)
Repeated Chaos That Speaks to Me: Derek Jeter

Whether it says "Derek Sanderson Jeter" or "Ladies love cool DJ" is a matter of subjective objectivism.

I LOVE this set. I have a George Scott, and had a Roy White (sold) wish I could get a box of this for christmas. I have a Spahn AUTO, but the rest of these are pure aesthetic joy to me.
Hearing Brewings of Squirrels...

Well, they are holding a contest to decide the name of the mascot for our new Baseball team here in Richmond. I will be honest, the logo saved the name for me. I was despondent with the name, but both the "squirrel", and the "acorn R" logos are actually pretty impressive.
I love how the above squirrel could be found on the side of a WWII bomber or reigning death from above in some forest west of here(city squirrels are too well fed to jump very high, much less glide). Either way this logo means business.
Now for the mascot name, only one came to mind...NUTS. I don't know if I am just stuck on it, or if I am to dull right now to think of anything better. There are too many famous chipmunks and I can't process it all. you be the judge.
Besides what are we really doing with baseball here in richmond? Prepping young talent to ship off to Fresno of SanFran where we will never see them again until they play the Nats someday (even that assumes that you have the "nuts" to go deal with DC for baseball).
I will almost definitely go to a Nats game see old Pudge squat a few more times or see Nyjer Morgan, or the million-dollar arm that may or may not show up. All this while getting rocked by Brewers.
ME: "But Jonny tight-lips what about the brewers abyssmal pitching staff?
JTL: "I ain't sayin nuttin".
ME: "...but we signed Randy Wolf!"
JTL: "Tell 'im to go suck a lemon."
Then and Now: Sean Burroughs

(born September 12, 1980 in Atlanta, Georgia) is a free agent third baseman in Major League Baseball who has played for the San Diego Padres and Tampa Bay Devil Rays.
Born in Stamford, CT
Lived in (not in order):
CT, MD, NJ, ME, MA, WI, NY, and finally VA for varying amounts of time.
Currently an 8 year resident of Richmond, VA
What I Collect:
Autographs (preferrably on-card)
Milwaukee Brewers
Milwaukee Braves
2007 A&G (almost complete)
2009 A&G (still workin')
2006 bowman chrome (almost complete base+ prospects, need some autos)
Ryan Braun
CC Sabathia in Brewers Uniform
Robin Yount
Nolan Ryan
Cal Ripken Jr.
Eddie Murray
Derek Jeter
Dustin Pedroia
Jacoby Ellsbury
Really, really ugly cards.
Live Sports Experiences(in order):
Memorial Stadium, Baltimore(7 games from 1985-88)
Cal, Eddie, and Larry Sheets (like a Dave Kingman or Adam Dunn without quite so much power)
Yankee Stadium, Bronx (maybe 12 games from 1991-95)
Bernie Williams at his peak, the end of the Mattingly days (kevin Maas? wtf) Paul O'neil on seinfeld. And who can forget Steve "bye bye" Balboni. Topper: Derek Jeters first start may 29th 1995. He wasn't that good and went back to columbus. I love his cards still, only I cant tell if I am just hoarding them to sell one day. It's weird like that. I have a thing for SSs like Ozzie smith, Cal and Robin Yount, so whatever Jetes. I hear too much about you anyway. I have no real love left for the yankees, but I don't hate.
Continental Airlines Arena, E. Rutherford (Bulls v. Nets 1994)
Take a guess...and yes, he is and probably always will be one of the best athletes I have ever seen.
Miller Park, Milwaukee (1 in 2004, 19 in 2005)
I fell head-over-heels for my beloved small-market team. My dad grew up in milwaukee and I still have his signed 1957 and 1958 world series programs. You name the Brewer, I was allll about it. Lyle OOOOOverpaid, Russel "the Muscle" Branyan, Geoff Jinkies, I Saw Rickie Weeks and Prince Fielder hit their first home runs in a game together. Brady Clark was very underrated in MKE, and then there was "Turbo". Derrick Turnbow, who I am sure threw out his arm before the all-star break in '06 and never came back. God Damn that boy could throw a 9th that would make you run to behind the dugout or to center field to watch the angles. Pure fire.
Camden Yards, Baltimore(Opening Day 2009)
I have been known to partake in Bohs before O's from time to time. Camden Yards is a monument to baseball and I feel like Nick Markakis is the real thing. Don't know, just feel. Plus opening day was a gas watching CC go fastball first into the dirt in front of homeplate after leaving the Brewers. And they picked up Adam Jones, who I thought would just be another fun to watch player who I NEVER saw play because the Mariners may as well play in Tokyo when you live in VA. It was a great game, but free beer and a club box cause circumstances to arise where I left the stadium by myself in the 9th without knowing it...good times, Thanks Jonny.
The Diamond, Richmond (AAA Richmond Braves) more times than I can remember 2002-2008 including the "last opening day" (rained like hell, no more than 70 of us stayed for the whole game) and the "last game" with awarding of the International League Championship rings.
Now we are SF Giants AA..."The Flying Squirrels". I voted for the Flatheads. It's an ornery fish in the river that runs through our sity. I see a hell of a lot of squirrels in this city...none of which are flying. We'll see in April.
At the Diamond, nobody cared where you parked (as long as it wasnt the Greyhound station across the street) You could get in free after the 5th inning, and for night games, this was right after me and my buddy Joe got off work. I saw a hell of a lot of 7th inning stretches over there. Our mayor, in ten years, could not come up with an acceptable stadium...and they left. end of story.
[Richmond baseball, and it's own story are being saved for my first "Flying Squirrel AUTO"]

Another Signature that carries the kind of grace and integrity one would associate with men who wear hats as a practice, but never don them inside. I teach high school, and my students literally do not understand why anyone would take their hat off inside...we agree to disagree. I try to explain the history of it, but I still get "free will" arguments. It ends there.
The relic was a great idea but I feel like everything on this card has too many outlines. Also, I get the "ode to pinstripes" background but none of this card follows the Golden Ratio. Which means it looks just plain off to me.
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Again with the sticker, but the actual signature is from a different age, if not a different planet. I love Rollie Fingers. I got this card on eBay years ago for next-to-nothing. It's one of an unstoppable checklist of GU/AUTOs in the set, with a design I see only minor flaws in (few too many lines, but the angles are great.)
By My Hand: 2006 Yunel Escobar

oh...we have so much to discuss...see you soon.
*I f..king hate sticker autos, but I have alot. may that be your introduction to my fleeting hypocrisy.
Presidential Cut AUTOs and preferences.

Cut this or keep it? (sweet spot doesn't actually have to make that choice...cheap-manufactured-fading-sig-crap)

Amazing card. Window is just the right size and the simple, sensitive greeting and signature are perfectly centered (I really appreciate that)
A couple thousand bucks stop here.

A General, a gentleman, a President.
The Man's man. Solid signature, pretty excellent cut and great exhibit by the design.

Oh, and none of these are mine.
Spot #1. intro post authorized. Hello.
My name is christopher Peterson. I have many interests. I also have many things that I feel distinctly selfish in keeping to myself. In boxes, folders, binders and bins, I stash drawings and writings, signs and stickers. With the current capabilities and accessibility of the blogosphere, I had to make a move. I read so many blogs on baseball cards, art, photography and rubber shoes (sneakers) that I decided to join the fray.
I have created this blog for the sole purpose of sharing my love of the written name. Specifically, human signatures. I collect mostly sports signatures, and that will be the majority of the meat of this blog. I do a lot of searching and collecting of images, and some of those may be shared as well.
Let's just say if I find anything special, I will be hard-pressed not to share.
I expect you to do the same, as many of you have.
I will now commence deciding the first autograph, or signature to make my first.